Friday, August 29, 2014
☆ Harvest Markets August [Friday Art]
I have been totally consumed with making new art for this weekends Harvest Markets.
And I am so excited about this one.
Last time, it rained.
It poured.
And for an outdoor market, it was almost a kiss of death.
This time the forecast is for an amazingly gorgeous end of winter day (blue skies, warm, but not hot wether. I love this time of year...)
So you've already seen the hand painted note books + the wall plaques, but I thought I'd share these new canvases.
It has been ages like I painted like this, quicker pieces, that are on canvas.
And I love how they turned out.
So if your in the Cowra area, make sure you pop in. I am near the band stand. Come + say Hi!
Have a great weekend...
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
☆ Round Here [August]
August seems to always fly by. With the hustle of life, add in a few birthdays, school commitments, and the emergence of the first daffodils, spring is on our door step - finally!
Round here, we've been...
Excited to see these magnolias bloom - spring is definitely near.
Celebrating forgiveness + friendship with the 70th anniversary of the Cowra Breakout.
Cleaning up the studio + finding gems of forgotten ideas
Had super hero commitments to uphold.
Made a Dolly Vaden Cake with a modern twist - for the gorgeous batgirl who turned 6 [eek!]
Creating my own doodle book - I will be sharing more next month.
Rocking it out to Frozens 'let it go' [Oh my ears are bleeding after the 3672nd time played!]
Wrapped up Listening to your Squeak ecourse
Finishing up last minute prep for the Harvest Markets this weekend
[Come say hi - if your in the area!!]
What have you been up to this month?? Share your exciting adventures below!
Did you know that I send out a monthly love letter with studio snippets, a monthly give away of one of my paintings or products, a free calendar download + more. Click here or on the image below for more + your free downloadable gratitude angel
Monday, August 25, 2014
☆ Grace [Life Book 2014]
Week 33: Just Breathe with Finnabair (Anna Dabrowska)
The word grace seems to be popping up a lot in my life lately.
It is a word that when I am feeling critical about something in my life - whether it is an artwork, a plan gone awry, a crappy day, that seems to fall from my lips.
So when I was doing this bonus lesson from Finnabair, it was Grace that seemed to be resonating again with me.
I love the colours of this page - the texture. And again I am not sure if it is finished but it is for just now.
And I adore that when I found the ribbon, that the there was a chip board element stuck to it with the word maybe on it.
Because that is totally me!
Do you have a word that is resonating with you lately?
Friday, August 22, 2014
☆ I will Love you until.... [Friday Art]
So I was reading this awesome book over the weekend, and there is a line in it which stuck with me.
I sat down later this week, trying to decide what to do. I needed to paint and I have a new large painting I want to start, but I don't think I want to start it while trying to prep for the Harvest Markets next weekend.
Along the same vein as the winter princess, I have an idea of a painting called the 'sun goddess'.
As I sat with my journal in front of me, I decided to just play. And again this line kept running through my head.
This was such a fun page to make, and as always I loved that my hands were covered in paint.
It fills my soul with joy.
The line is different from the one used in the book, but I liked it better.
Oh and the book I was reading (if anyone is interested!) was Fighting Redemption by Kate McCarthy. I loved it by the way - couldn't put it down.
So please share with us, what fills your soul with joy? Or what 'couldn't put it down' books have you read lately?? I would love to hear your stories.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
☆ More Super Cute Note Books [LilliBean Designs Spotlight]
I have some more super cute notebooks to share with you today. [see the first lot here]
I have had so much fun painting these, going though all my sketchbooks + using all those quick sketches
I will be selling these at the Harvest Markets - August 30th so make sure if you around pop in to say hi!
After the Harvest Markets I will be adding all my jewellery + notebooks + Kimmi Dolls into my etsy store, so keep an eye out for that early September.
Also in September I will be taking pre-orders for my 2015 Calendar. Keep an eye out for that.
I also have a heap of charms, that I need to start making for the markets...
Oh + how cute is this reindeer! I almost forgot to paint him, but I think he is my absolute favourite of the lot.
It would make a really cute Christmas planner maybe??
So if your in the area on Saturday August 30, make sure you pop in to say hi. I love meeting everyone.
Did you know that I send out a monthly love letter with studio snippets, a monthly give away of one of my paintings or products, a free calendar download + more. Click here or on the image below for more + your free downloadable gratitude angel
Monday, August 18, 2014
☆ A Page of Healing Layers [Life Book 2014]
Week 31 - A Page of Healing Layers with Mika Diaz
This was such a fun page to do incorporating beautiful papers from my over flowing "paper" draw, using some bright aqua (my most favourite colour at the moment!) + some of the sketches from my sketch book.
I used actual tracing paper, which seemed to wrinkle a lot - this may be because I was on the phone while trying to paste it down, but I think it was the actual paper.
I wondered if this would work with tissue paper as well + I think it may have given a better integration to the page. Next time...
I was having a pretty down day when I made this page, so I decided to use the word 'honour', 'pride' + 'grace' as the direct opposite of how I was feeling.
It always surprises me when art journalling how awesome I feel after ward. Instead of the awful feelings I had swirling around inside of me, I ended up feeling honour, pride + grace.
Did you know that I send out a monthly love letter with studio snippets, a monthly give away of one of my paintings or products, a free calendar download + more. Click here or on the image below for more + your free downloadable gratitude angel
Friday, August 15, 2014
☆ Super Cute Hand Painted Note Books [Friday Art]
If you have visited during the week, you would have seen that I attempted to tidy up my studio, trying to find my sketch book.
But instead amongst the mess, I found these blank notebooks I purchased to alter the cover on.
So inspired, I spent most of this week painting.
And I am so happy with how super cute these hand painted note books turned out!
I just went through my (now found) sketchbook + my pile of old sketch books for inspiration.
Nothing was off limits.
Sketches of half formed ideas.
Some have collage elements.
And the boys weren't forgotten either.
I have a few more to do, and I am going to unleash them on the public at the Harvest Markets at the end of this month.
And if you pop over here you can see some of the other projects I found while tidying up + that I was inspired to finish this week.
Do you have a project that has been waiting for you to finish? I would love to hear what your up to.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
☆ What Happens When you Clean up your Studio [Inspired to Action]
Last week I had lost my sketch book - lost it in the mess that was my studio. (You may have seen this photo on my Facebook timeline)
Paints every where, bins over flowing, projects all over the place.
You had to be careful walking in - who know what would be on the floor drying...
I was determined to find the sketch book + the only way I could do that was to [sigh] tidy up.
I am so NOT a domestic goddess. I am mostly comfortable with my mess, which is why my studio is my safe haven, with the door closed I don't have to deal with any of Mac's looks of disbelief at how messy I actually am!
So reluctantly I started to tidy up.
And I found all these projects, I had half started + I was inspired to clear to finish them off.
Some might call this procrastination - I call say I was inspired to action.
Like these rocks painted as strawberries, to stop the birds raiding our patch.
(Time spent on my work desk:18 months)
I just need to lacquer these now + they are ready for the summer.
Or this kaiser craft frame I am planning to use for my necklaces + earrings.
(Time on my work desk: 8 months)
I only have to finds some hooks + assemble.
And these kraft notebooks, I bought to paint original paintings on the covers for the markets in April
(Time on my work desk: 4 months)
I am totally into finish these for the Harvest Markets at the end of August.
I never did find my sketchbook in the studio.
It had fallen down the back of the couch - where I had put it so Beastie wouldn't attack it.
And my studio? It seems I need to tidy up again.
Or not.
What projects have you forgotten about? Isn't it time to finish them off? What is the longest time a project has sat unfinished. I have one I started three years ago that is still waiting to be completed - what about you??
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