Wow - its the last Friday Art of the year! I am amazed that I managed to produce something almost every week this year. Including frantically finishing this off over the weekend so it would be finished + off my desk for the year.
With only a few weeks off for illness or holidays, I am feeling pretty chuffed right now!!
Any for the final Friday Art I have the finished painting of Dino Boy which I shared the work in progress last week.
Since we have had an alternate Christmas this year, (which mean christmas is spent with Macs family) my nephew's won't actually open there paintings until the end of January, when my family all gather together and have another Christmas dinner + gift opening session!
I hope you and your families all had an amazing Christmas day + that your boxing day is relaxed + your belly is feeling less stuffed!
I am taking most of January off, (YIPEE!), but I have a few scheduled posts - of some of my favourite paintings, some of my most popular posts + a few other bits and pieces.
But I will be back in February with new paintings, new posts + a refreshed body + soul.
Happy Christmas everyone + I hope your 2015 is everything that you dreamed big about xx