Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ The Art of Play [Life Book 2014]

Monday, September 15, 2014

☆ The Art of Play [Life Book 2014]

This was a really enlightening + enjoyable lesson which explored the art of play in painting.

Something I can struggle with at times. Something that I have a hard time doing applying this to other areas of my life.

Play can sometimes feel like a chore. So it was a nice change to actually just play.

So I journaled about what play meant to me, and then scrunched up the paper. After a couple of layers of paint + stencils + collage I then cracked open the stamp making kit I bought last year + have been meaning to crack open for ages.

Stars are a symbol that frequently pops up in my art. And they remind me that my play as a child would often take me to the moon and back, there were no limits in my play.

And I totally love how my play ended - these two little girls, going to play

Just like me and my sister.

Just like Bean + Bug + Beastie...

With our busy lives, we are often so serious, we have bills, mortgages, commitments. It is hard to let play into any aspect of our lives. So I'm challenging you to play a bit this week - and check in and let me know how you went.

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