Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ Creating Intuitively - part Deux [Friday Art]

Friday, May 30, 2014

☆ Creating Intuitively - part Deux [Friday Art]

Week 22, May 2014

Last week I shared with you the painting that I was trying to paint intuitively, but that I ended up putting away for a while, because my inner bitch was surfacing,  and the paint was turning a muddy shade of brown.

I started again, on the face, whitening it up more, but I was feeling totally uninspired + put it away again!

So this is where I ended up with. The next day, I went back to my painting, and started painting her face. I kept the streaks + I realised that there was a cute little love heart earring type image, so I kept it too.

Using the muddy mess + a sharpie, I added to floral type element in the right hand corner.

I think this is finished now. I thought about adding a word, or phrase, but to be honest nothing did, or has sprung to mind.

I think I will leave it for now...

So when you intuitively paint, what is it in you that makes you say, 'I am done!'? I would love to hear what your thoughts are.

By the way - did you know I am having a HUGE give away? Open until June 4th, pop over here to enter. (Did I mention huge? A gift voucher, new postcards + gift tags are up for grabs!)

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  1. she turned out beautifully with her heart earrings! It's so freeing to know that if you don't like some element of a painting that you can just go over it and begin again. And of course I put my name in for your generous giveaway:)

  2. I love your finished piece, great colors and well balanced. I always trust my intuition, my feelings guide me in all my work. Even if I plan on a colorsceme I intuitively know when to add different colors. I'm done when I'm calm and nothing disturbes me or all my questions stop coming.

  3. I like your style. I really enjoyed your Lifebook 2013 video. Your art is awesome. I'm taking Lifebook 2014 and am looking forward to looking at all I have created after a year.

  4. I love her! She's got a bit of a smile going on and you know I love happy faces. ;) I also love how you made the earrings out of the shapes that were already there.

  5. Nicole/BeadwrightJune 1, 2014 at 3:09 AM

    Wow this was a great process. She turned out so GREAT!!! inner bitch or not. LOL Have a great weekend


Thanks for taking a moment to leave me a comment. I love hearing your ideas and thoughts. I will often respond to your comments here, so please check back for a response. x

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