Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆Sink [Illustration Friday]

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

☆Sink [Illustration Friday]

Sink or swim?

Under pressure which do you do?

It used to be that I sank, I gave up and I gave in.

But I think since the birth of Bug, things have been changing. I have been changing. I am less likely to give up, I feel that I am no longer sinking, sinking in self doubt, and self worth, sinking in helplessness and hopelessness, and sinking in an abundance of ideas and dreams with no direction and no clue where to begin.

©2011 Kirstin McCulloch
I am not going to sink anymore.

And a big 'Thank You' needs to go to you guys. Thank you for your inspiring comments, your helpful suggestions and your support. You guys have helped me so much on this journey. Thank you for encouraging me to listen to my squeak.

So how do you keep your head above water, and not sink. What is the inspiration behind your motivation to keep going? I would love to know.

Have a great day!

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