Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ The One Which I Have No Idea Where she Came From [Friday Art]

Friday, April 11, 2014

☆ The One Which I Have No Idea Where she Came From [Friday Art]

Week 15, April 2014

So I loved painting my freer flowing watercolour from last week, that I wanted to do another one, but this one really surprised me.

Part of me doesn't even know what to say about her except that every time I look at her, I see something new every time I look at her. 

And that I love it.

And as I sit here with a head full of the first of the winter colds, slightly struggling writing this post, I realise that sometimes you don't have to say anything, sometimes your paintings can just speak for themselves!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend.

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  1. She has a fantastic face! Love the way the hair runs off the page!

  2. Beautifully sultry as though she has something provocative to say!! Wonderful and new!! Feel better soon!!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Your right, sometimes words aren't needed and this gal speaks and even keeps some secrets : ) Take care of that cold.


  4. She's incredible, all that red hair and you make me believe it's just the way it is. She keeps her secrets, but one can sense her emotions. Very well done! Hope you'll feel better soon.

  5. She is awesome! The best part of her is that YOU love her! She is strong and yes, she can speak for herself. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs, Rasz

  6. She's stunning! If you ever decide to sell her, let me know!
    I've really been enjoying your blog. It's nice to see the girls, too. Your art always inspires me.

  7. I love it too - isn't it wonderful when those magical images appear on your paper or canvas!

  8. The hair is fantastic and I love the expression on her face.


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