Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ Springtime Journaling (in the Fall) [Life Book]

Monday, April 28, 2014

☆ Springtime Journaling (in the Fall) [Life Book]

Week 14 - Springtime Journaling Collage Bonus Lesson with Dyan Reaveley

You know the thing I love about Life Book, is that every week, I learn something new.

A new technique, a new medium, a new way of using a material, a new idea, a new challenge...

This week the fabulous Dyan Reaveley, took us through a quick journalling exercise, celebrating spring, or fall in my case!

And while it may have been a quick lesson, it has quickly become one of my favourites...

Because I realised how true it was, my affirmation, if you nurture your flowers, your relationships, your kids, your art, it will bloom, and it will bloom huge.

So how long has it been since you NURTURED your flowers, your relationships, your art? Maybe it's time to pull out the fertiliser out....

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