Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ Round Here [life as it comes]

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

☆ Round Here [life as it comes]

Seriously, can someone tell me where April has gone.... Again, seriously... Where did my 'relaxing' Easter break go, where did the school holidays go, where did my fabulous time off go...

We've had rainbow nails...

We've tried new things, fallen down + gotten up and tried again. [Bug was awesome!]...

On our school holidays, we've played 'school' incessantly!

I've sketched in the park [so relaxing]

We have had a very cute visitor in our front yard. ["catch him daddy!! Catch him!"]

I had an awesome time at the markets [Mac was the perfect assistant]

And I had two gorgeous helpers [although all they wanted to do was run wild with the glow sticks!]

And then we crazy danced with glow sticks while they 'balloon glowed' [And yes, everyone else thought we were mad!]

So okay, it's been busy, and looking at these photos, we have had a great couple of weeks, but now schools back + I have crap loads of work to catch up on, as well as a house that is in complete disarray + a pile of washing that is just scary!

Back to reality I guess. {sigh}

I hope you had an Awesome April, and that your Easter was was fun + relaxing! I would love to hear what great adventures you had.. 

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