Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ Artitsts Around the World [Blog Hop]

Monday, July 28, 2014

☆ Artitsts Around the World [Blog Hop]

I was so excited to recieve a message from Carmen of My Creative Me asking me to participate in an Artists Around the World Blog Hop. You should definitely check out Carmen's blog + her beautiful art work!

This blog hop has artists from all over the world, answering four questions + nominating the next weeks participant.

So here is me + my answers....

1. Why do I do what I do?
The Mermaids Pet
inspired by one of my
kids musings

Because I have to is the very short + vauge answer, but it is mostly true. I have so many ideas to share +  storys to tell. And at one stage I thought I would become a writer..... except that I struggle hugely with writing, I always have! (You have know idea how long some of these posts take!!) 

But I am an extremely visual person. I adore colour. I am drawn to colour. 

So I am driven to some how capture my wild imaginings, my kids awesome quotes + my random thoughts. 

And painting is the medium that I love using to express these ideas.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

You know, this is such a difficult question for me to answer. I have often wondered how my work is different to others of my genre + to be totally honest, I am not even sure what genre it fits into.

Maybe its the big eyes of my charaters? People often comment on my characters eyes... I'd love to know if you all have any suggestions. This question stumps me every time.

3. How does my creative process work?

Ummm. Many different ways. So often it begins with a picture in a magazine, or on pinterest, some thing my kids have said, a paragraph from a book, a snippet of a dream, a newspaper story, a photo I took on a walk. 

When this spark hits +  I have a more concrete idea, I will try to capture it, in my sketch book, a scrap of paper or even on my phone.

And when I am looking for a new painting, I will trawl through the mountians of sketch books, note book + notes on my phone.

Sometimes I'll have an idea that inspires me and sometimes I open up my pinterest app + waste some more time...

Winter Princess
works in progress part one, two + three
[As part of the Carnival of Creative Mothers blog series I wrote about the creative process in more depth here]

4. What am I working on now?

So I have been working on this frustrating girl lately.

This Winter Princess was inspired by a passage in book.

Apart from paintings, I am finishing up my 'Listening to your Squeak' e-course + planning a new website + I have a few Christmas commsions I am about to start on for my friends little boys.

☆ ☆ 

Next week, (August 4th) make sure you pop over to visit Nicole from Beadwright - I have been a huge fan of her work for a while now + I can't wait to read her answers to these questions!

Nicole from Beadwright's painting.

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  1. Hello Kirstin!! Thank you again for accepting the invitation for the blog hop. As always I think your work is amazing and I love how you are candid and real! Truly inspiring!

  2. Ahhhh thank you. I am excited to join in the Artists around the world blog hop. You know how much I love your art.

  3. Sounds like the blog hop is a lot of fun. I enjoyed reading your post and getting to know a little more about you. Plus the awesome artwork of yours that went along with it. Thank you for sharing yourself. Hugs, Rasz


Thanks for taking a moment to leave me a comment. I love hearing your ideas and thoughts. I will often respond to your comments here, so please check back for a response. x

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