Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ I am a JOLLO FISH [Friday Art]

Friday, June 6, 2014

☆ I am a JOLLO FISH [Friday Art]

Week 23 - June 2014

A bit of fun this week, inspired by my muses Bean + Bug.

☆ ☆ 
We were cleaning up their toys the other week + at some stage they had tossed the entire contents of their dress up box all over the room. 

So here we are, me: "Come on guys! help me pack up - I didn't make this mess!"

Bug + Bean: "'la la la la la' oh whats this? Oh look Bean it is my very special necklace I LOVE it"

Me: "Come on you two, I am going to leave you to do it on your own."

Bu + Bean: "Nooooo we can't do it alone"

Me: Well you made this mess on your own! It isn't my mess"

Bug: [picks up these pom poms + sticks it on here head] says in a deep alto voice "I am a JOLLO FISH"

Me, Bean + Bug - hilariously laughing and wiping tears away

Bean + Bug: [deep voices] "We are JOLLO FISH"

☆ ☆ 

So, here is a very quick painting, of a Jollo Fish Girl in my sketchbook.

I hope you have a great weekend.

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  1. I love the look in her eyes with all of the blue, so beautiful! Great work!


  2. awe, what memorable , joyful moments! Love your "quick" painting!

  3. Gina Brezil SismilichJune 8, 2014 at 11:57 PM

    Absolutely adorable - the post and the quick little "jollo" girl!

  4. Kids are the greatest. Mine are all grown up but grandkids are even better. Cute drawing.


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