Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ The Tea-Cup Pirate [Work in Progress]

Friday, June 13, 2014

☆ The Tea-Cup Pirate [Work in Progress]

Week 24 - June 13th 2014

It's been a while since I've shared a work in progress post, and if you have been following my instagram feed, you may have seen some of these photos.

This particular painting has been sitting in my to be painted pile since early february, and was inspired by, of all things, an Aldi catalogue. (Aldi is a supermarket like Europe's Lidl's)

So this was the start of the Tea-Cup Pirate, and at first she wasn't co-operating at all, the paint dried too quickly to blend properly, (being winter in Australia the heater in the studio is on constantly)

So I had to work quicker, which irritated me to no end.

But this always happens to me at this stage, I think I should call it the 'ugly phase' of my paintings.

 After a break + a glass of wine, she is coming together a bit better. But her left check bone is still giving me the heebies!

This part is my reward. My favourite. FAVOURITE, part of painting girls is their eyes. I can, and have! spent hours getting them just right! But for me this is where my painting becomes some else.

So now her nose isn't quite so sticky out, in a weird straight, no bumps way + the pirate patch is done.

A little more work on her hands

And I finished off this week, with her dress. 

I am unsure as to where I will go with her now. Her hair, in particular is frustrating me, I think I need to re think the style, or maybe it needs to be bigger? 

I am thinking this could be one of those times that I just need to be brave and leap with out thinking too hard about it.

What do you think?

Have a great weekend


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  1. She looks to me like she's going to be a redhead, or a brunette with golden highlights.
    (mainly because of the colour of her dress I think)

    Love seeing your process, it's so different to the way I work.
    Basically, I'm too impatient to manage neat, clean lines ;)

  2. I love your work so much!! Thanks so much for the step out photos - I don't see an ugly phase at all - nor did I see any issues with her nose.
    Maybe a pirate girl needs an unconventional color of hair - purple, maybe?


Thanks for taking a moment to leave me a comment. I love hearing your ideas and thoughts. I will often respond to your comments here, so please check back for a response. x

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