Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ Life Book [week 10]

Friday, March 23, 2012

☆ Life Book [week 10]

Life Book week ten, was really difficult for me. We celebrated our positive contribution to the lives of others, as well as how people have contributed to us and our growth. 

I decided to concentrate on those I have contributed to, and it was really difficult. It was hard to really, deeply think about my contribution. Just how I did contribute to those around me, and was it a positive influence, or not. Do I just phone it in or do I actually meaningfully enrich those lives. 

I haven't ever really thought about this, and I had a few  D&M (deep and meaningful) moments for me.

I focused on my immediate family (Mr Mac and the girls) and my Nan. on the back of the double page spread, I wrote down what I felt I gave to these gorgeous people in my life. On the other side I will write down what they contribute to me.

I had a very big sense of achievement when I finished, and a huge feeling of warmth and love.

Have you thought about your contribution to your friends and families life? I guarantee that when you go beneath the surface you will find you contribute in all kinds of amazing ways that you never would have dreamed!

And if you have time over the weekend, grab a cup of tea, sit down with a pen and paper and write down how you have contributed to their lives and how they have contributed to yours.

Instant uplift!!

Have a great weekend

1 comment :

  1. I have not done the last couple of lessons but this is really inspiring. :) Thanks for sharing Kirstin!


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