Google+ LISTENING TO THE SQUEAK INSIDE art by Kirstin McCulloch of LilliBean Designs: ☆ Release [my word of the year]

Monday, February 11, 2013

☆ Release [my word of the year]

It has taken me longer than usual to figure out my word of the year.

Last year my word was bravery and it was really easy to figure out.

This year, I was a little slower to figure it out.

But in hinde sight, I can't believe it took so long. I mean it wasn't until I released the anxiety I had surrounding wee beasties birth, that she actually came.

It wasn't until I sat in the shower and cried that I released the chaos and churning emotions I had carried with me until New Years.

So it was kind of obvious that Release should be that one word for me this year.

So as I painted this reminder to let go, (which I have hung directly in eye sight at my desk, so I will see it daily), I thought about what in my life I needed to release.

I realised, I need to let go of some old hurts, some old behaviours, quiet a few rules + restrictions that I had placed on myself unknowingly, and release the control freak behaviour that I have developed of late.

I am learning to listen to my body + soul, to ignore the should ofs, could ofs + would ofs, and I am learning to listen to my intuition again, because I have ignored it for so long now.

So hopefully this year will be one of creation, expansion + development. Not one of regression or stagnation.

Do you have a word this year that you are aspiring to? I would love to hear your words + stories behind them.

P.S. Have you joined the others in this months give away? Pop over here to enter


  1. Crying is a very good tool for release not sure how it works but it does

    1. It really does Mary! I always feel so much better after wards. x

  2. This is the first year I have a chosen a word so we'll see how it goes. My word is Gain. I have lots to gain this year...better health, more muscle, focus, confidence, knowledge, consistency, perspective.

    1. Gain is such a great word Dawn! I hope you gain multitudes x

  3. I think release should be the world for all my years....


Thanks for taking a moment to leave me a comment. I love hearing your ideas and thoughts. I will often respond to your comments here, so please check back for a response. x

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